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Teeth Whitening in Dracut

teeth whitening comparison imageWith the emphasis today’s society places on looking good, it’s no surprise that teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic procedure in many dental practices. Our daily activities offer numerous opportunities to discolor our teeth—too many cups of coffee or tea, deep colored juices, smoking, and many others. Until one morning, we look in the mirror and wonder what happened to our beautiful white smile.

What to Expect

The first step to whiter teeth is a consultation with our dentist to ensure your teeth are in optimal condition for the whitening procedure. We’ll discuss what results you can reasonably expect from the process, how long it takes to get results, and any side effects you might experience with the product.

At Dadiala Family Dentistry, we offer the Opalescence GO™ at-home whitening system for our patients. We offer two choices: the basic at-home kit and the custom kit. The basic option uses standard whitening trays, which may not fit as well on some as others. They’re used for 20 minutes a week, with the majority of the whitening occurring in the first month. Continued use will also show some improvement.

The custom kit involves our dentist taking impressions of your teeth and sending them to the lab for production of the trays. These custom trays fit closely and are worn for two weeks. At that point, you return to our office for another set of trays. This option is more specialized and also more expensive.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Some people experience tooth sensitivity after using bleaching agents, which is usually temporary. Others may notice irritation of their gums, especially when the bleaching tray is not custom-made and the gums come in contact with the bleaching agent. Side effects should always be brought to our attention, so we can advise you whether they are typical or not.

Start Smiling Again

Your smile says so much about you; don’t let discolored teeth keep you from showing yours. Contact our office to find out more about our teeth whitening services.


Teeth Whitening Dracut, Tyngsborough, Lowell MA | (978) 957-5511